
You’re busy, and we get it. That’s why we’ve compiled a few helpful tips on organizing your receipts to save time, money, and sanity. It may seem like a lot of work (and for some people, it is), but organizing your receipts is well worth the effort when you consider what you’ll be saving in tax deductions or potential refunds by keeping them organized instead of shoving them into an envelope with all your other papers.

Keep receipts in one place.

Keeping receipts in one place is a good idea because it’s a bad idea to keep them in different places. It saves time and money, it’s easier to find what you need, and it makes organizing easier.

The only thing about this tip that could be considered a downside is that it takes some effort to get everything set up so that all your receipts go into one spot–but once they’re there, they stay there forever!

What is Cash stuffing?

Cash stuffing is a way to organize your receipts. You can use it to keep track of your spending, find ways to save money, and save time because you won’t have to sort through all of your receipts at the end of each month.

Cash stuffing works by grouping similar purchases in one envelope so that when you want information on one specific purchase, such as an itemized receipt for groceries or gas station purchases, it’s right there in front of you without having to dig through every single piece of paper in order find what exactly was purchased.

For example, if you go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of different things, you can put each item in its envelope. Then, when it comes time to balance your checkbook or do taxes, all you have to do is open up the appropriate envelope, and there they are—all your receipts in one place!

Look for a system that works for you.

There are many options for cash stuffing, and you may need help with the number of choices. But if you’re looking for an easy way to get started, I recommend trying one of these three approaches:

  • The envelope method is my preferred method because it’s so simple and easy to implement. You can use any envelope or bag (purchased or homemade), but I like using recycled gift bags because they’re free and sturdy enough that I don’t need to worry about them ripping open during transit. Once your envelopes are ready, all that remains is deciding how much money goes into each one! If you want more control over how much cash gets stuffed into each envelope every month, set aside one envelope per paycheck cycle; make sure not too much money goes into any one envelope at once–you don’t want this system failing due to lack of funds.
  • The jar method is a great way to start stuffing envelopes if you need to figure out how much money you’ll need in the future. All you need is a glass jar with a lid and some cash (or checkbook) handy. When your landlord or utility company sends you an invoice for the month, put that amount into the jar; once it’s full, pull out one bill randomly and use it to make your payment. This method is great because it’s super simple; all you have to do is make sure only a little money goes into the jar at once. The downside is that you will have little control over how much cash gets taken out per month; if you’re looking for more flexibility, consider using one of the other envelope methods.
  • Save

Get organized.

Organize your receipts by category. Grouping similar items together will make it easier to find what you need and track how much money you’ve spent on each thing. For example, if most of your purchases are food-related, group them in one pile; if most are clothing-related, group them together instead.

Organize all your receipts in one place, so they’re easy to access when tax time rolls around (or anytime). Use a scanner or camera phone app so that there’s no need for paper copies at all–you’ll save tons of space by going digital!

Make a plan.

Before you start stuffing cash, make a plan. Make sure you have enough time to do it and choose a system that works for you. You should also use this method daily and as often as possible. It’s important to keep track of how much money is being stashed away, so it does not become too much of an afterthought when it comes to spending or saving.

You should also use this method daily and as often as possible. It’s important to keep track of how much money is being stashed away, so it does not become too much of an afterthought when it comes to spending or saving.

Organize your receipts to save time and money.

If you’re like most people, your wallet is stuffed with receipts. And if you’re like even more people, those receipts are all over the place – in no particular order and scattered across multiple pockets.

But what if I told you there was a better way? Getting organized with your receipts and tracking them in one place (ahem…the Cloud) would save time and money. Well, guess what: It does!


This article has helped you better understand cash stuffing and how it can help you organize your receipts. We know that losing track of all those little slips of paper can be frustrating. If cash stuffing seems like something that would work well for your needs or interests, please consider giving it a try!